Size Analysis Tool for iOS Apps

Find .ipa bloat and spot issues before you ship

120 MB
+5.2 MB
100MB - 120MB - 121MB - 120MB - 120MB
Size growth over time
Fonts.bundle 3x 5MB
Duplicate.bundle 2x 1MB
SomePNG.png 2x 1MB
SomeOtherPNG.png 2x 800KB
Localizable.strings 2x 700KB
SomeBundle.bundle 2x 700KB
SomeOtherBundle.bundle 2x 500KB
ProductAsset.png 2x 400KB

View Your App's Size Growth Over Time

Track Size Changes in Bundles, Frameworks & Assets

Easily Spot Duplication and Large Files

Visualize Your App's Structure

Catch Unwanted/Sensitive Files Before Shipping

Identify Xcode Versions Used in Builds

Get to Know Your .ipa Builds

View what makes up app size and track changes over time

Asset Catalog
Other Files

App Store Examples

Bundle ID:
Approximate Install Size:
Xcode Version:
Largest Frameworks

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Measure App Size?

We use the approximate size on disk of your build, equivalent to what you would see when looking at a build in Finder. This is usually not the same as what your users see in the App Store, as that can be device and OS specific. View Apple's documentation on reducing your app size for more info on measuring your app build size.

What Are Your System Requirements?

We require macOS 14 (Sonoma) to run, and Xcode's Developer Tools to decompose and analyze builds. Our system check dialog will prompt you if you are missing anything.

How Do You Measure Duplication?

We measure duplication by file hash using assetutil, a command line utility provided by Apple in its Xcode Developer Tools. This allows us to decompose asset catalogs, which are compressed for distribution when compiled into builds.

Do You Send My Builds Somewhere?

DotIPA runs completely on your macOS machine. We do not store your ipa builds or data anywhere——in fact, we don't even have servers.

Can I Try It?

Yes. Please send an email or a message on LinkedIn.

Still have questions? Reach out info @